This event is part of a series of 8 sector consultations in the 8 regions of Romania. The results of these meetings and workshops, concluding with the European conference, aim to shape a strategy such that, by 2030 Romania will be a circular economy leader in Central and South Eastern Europe.
The purpose of the conference is to involve experts from a wide range of industries and to highlight the best practices and models already implemented with the purpose to facilitate the transition of Romania towards a circular economy.
The agenda of the event will address the negative impacts climate change has on cities and potential solutions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Objectives. Moreover, we propose to point out the best practices that local and regional authorities can implement so that to align with these objectives.
Things Happen.
Representatives of NGOs, the public sector and academics. Contact us for more details.
The cut ends on Friday, May 10 th.
Addressed for corporate representatives. Contact us for more details.
The cut ends on Friday, May 10 th.
It addresses consultancy firms, technology providers and service providers. Contact us for more details.
The cut ends on Friday, May 10 th.
Session 1: Urban and regional developments taking into account the principles of the nZEB
• Urban Planning to Promote Circular Economy
• Closing the loop in conurbations with innovative logistics solutions and hubs
• Circular clusters for emerging economies
Session 4: Construction waste management
• Sustainable management of forest residues and demolition waste
• Urban exploitation in the circular economy
Session 2: Quality of life and the role of administrative institutions
• Social welfare and health benefits, with a focus on urban populations
• Customer behavior and social interaction (blue economy, bio-economy, collaborative economy)
• Political context, legal aspects and corporate governance
Session 5: Adopting the Circular Economy for the Internationalization and Global Competitiveness of SMEs in Construction sector
- Circular economy: Barriers and opportunities for circular construction
- Resource efficiency & Standardization of the sector
- Financing lines for circular SMEs
Session 3: Innovation in SMART CITY
• The role of ICT in expanding the circular economy – industry 4.0
• Redesigning the product to the circular economy
• ICT contribution to energy efficiency (smart buildings, etc.)
Session 6: Decarbonisation of the economy through the development of intelligent and sustainable construction
• Decarbonisation of the economy through the development of renewable energy strategies
• Intelligent modern systems for urban sustainability• Industrial symbiosis, closed loop systems and eco-industrial parks
8:30am // Registration, Coffee & Mingling
9:00am // Welcome
9:15am // Session 1 & 2
10:15am // Session 3 & 4
11:00am // Coffee Break
11:30am // Session 5
12:15pm // Break for lunch
1:00pm // Session 6
2:15pm // Workshop
3:00pm // Coffee Break
3:30pm // Workshop
4:15pm // Session Q&A, Closing the conference and workshop
Session 1: Urban and regional developments.
Session 2: Quality of life and the role of administrative institutions.
Session 3: Innovation in SMART CITY.
Session 4: Construction waste management.
Session 5: Adopting the Circular Economy for the Internationalization and Global Competitiveness of SMEs in Construction sector.
Session 6: Decarbonisation of the economy through the development of intelligent and sustainable construction.
Workshop – Questions for discussion
1. Where do we want Romania to be in 2030 and in terms of adopting the circular economy in the packaging, logistics and retailers sectors in terms of adopting Agenda 2030?
2. How do we get there in terms of adopting the circular economy in the packaging, logistics and retailers sectors?
- Opening ceremony
- Session 1, 9:15am
- Session 2, 09:45am
- Session 3, 10:15am
- Session 4,10:45am
- Session 5, 11:30am
- Session 6, 1:00pm
- Elena Simina LAKATOS - IRCEM President
- Gabriel MOICEANU - FADI President
Attitude for a sustainable development!
The Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan”– IRCEM is an independent NGO that is; organized like a research think tank and, established in 2012 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania through the initiative of young people from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.
In 2017, IRCEM became the official partner in the Coordination Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) – a joint initiative of the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Commission. More information about this subject can be found on IRCEM.RO orhttps://circulareconomy.europa.eu/platform/en/dialogue.
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Following the circular economy conference on sustainable constructions for circular, intelligent and inclusive cities held in Cluj-Napoca on May 10, 2019, we would like to bring your attention to the following items:
- There have been speakers from public institutions, the industry, private enterprises, NGOs, and academia. You can download all the presentations that we received here or you can choose to download each individual presentation below:
- BORBELY Laszlo – Dezvoltare durabilă: Perspectivă națională, perspectivă locală
- CHIUZBAIAN Dan – Casele inteligente din orașele conectate
- DRAGOS Ioana – Soluții inovative pentru economia circulară
- GEORGESCU Claudiu – Produse pentru construcții sustenabile și utilizarea lor în economia circulară
- GIURGIU Anca – Carbon offseting – compensare emisii de carbon pentru clădiri noi
- IONESCU Marcel – România – cele mai poluate orașe din Europa
- ORDEANU Laura – Acțiuni privind economia circulară
- PASZTAI Zoltan – Țintele privind reciclarea în România și exemple de bună practică and The case of Sălacea
- STANILA Alexandru – Tezaurul României – invențiile
- The pictures taken at the event can be found here.
- The agenda [RO] can be consulted here.
- The activity report [RO] can be consulted here
By means of this message, we would like to reiterate our appreciation for our sponsors, collaborators, partners, and for all the participants to our events. Romania’s Circular Strategy 2020-2030 would not be possible without your support and involvement.